This morning
I am aware
how blessed I am
how wonderful is my body
and how grateful I am to it
My eyes, my ears, my hands. my face, my torso
my ability to think, to feel and to create my life
how amazingly beautiful is everything
given to me freely
through one act of loving
by two people before me
through God’s grace and design
I exist and can participate daily
in this journey called LIFE
Today, awed and appreciative of all that is
I give thanks as I celebrate my sense of being
deeply honoring the rich Life Source that flows
through me and everyone and everything around me
Today, I celebrate the earth, the universe, the cosmos
the beauty in the changing seasons
I celebrate that I can entertain the familiar and the new
the present, the past and the future
I celebrate knowing how blessed and gifted I am
I celebrate how loved I can feel and can be
Today, I celebrate my every BREATH
my pulsating HEART and my LIFE ...
wonderful as always!