What if instead of complaining, comparing, putting ourselves down
We lifted our spirit and gave thanks for all we’ve got and all we’ve done
What if instead of counting ways to criticize ourselves and finding reasons
for why we aren’t good enough, we’d consider appreciating and celebrating
who we are and who we are becoming?
What if instead of reciting limiting belief such as,
“I’m too old, I'm not smart enough, I’m not educated, I’m afraid to fail,”
We’d detoxify our spirit offering ourselves a dosage of courage, hope and love?
What if instead of hiding in darkness we could walk out into the light
feeling happy about things we’ve done or things we’ve tried to do
especially when we know when doing them we’ve done our best
What if instead of blame and shame we’d embrace a new belief
that we are always whole and worthy of love and that our best,
as imperfect as it may sometimes be, is actually good enough
What if we could set ourselves free of "if, when and maybe then"
what decisions might we be making right now?
What plan, what spontaneous action or interaction would we allow?
Dream another dream and take steps with confidence and pride
Realize your time is now and that you’ve only just begun
You are the “Godseed,” the same “Godseed’ that is in a blade of grass
caught between cracks of a concrete sidewalk
That tiny blade of grass that is strongly pulling itself through to the sunlight
You can remain young or you can grow old and die
You can choose action, interaction and make your dreams happen
You can honor yourself and love who you are
You can realize once and for all, you are the one you’ve been waiting for
Your time and your day is now, awaken to yourself, awaken to YOU!
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