Tuesday, May 27, 2014

For Everyone’s Sake

Drop in on yourself, cultivate nourishment
Become familiar with your amazing richness
Drop regrets and resentments
Drop doubts and limiting beliefs

Create ripples of joy
Share hope and appreciation
Know you are love itself
Infused by the Divine

Dare to live and to give  
Dare to receive, to love and to be
Drop worries and future concerns
Check yourself out, set yourself free

Powerful beyond measure
Liberated from fear and inadequacy
You are more than your history
Much more than you can imagine

You have all you need
What you seek, seeks you
Call it, see it, create it
It will be graciously granted

How you do this
How you will change 
How you will create a life you love 
Will pave the way for others

Soon, they too will drop in 
Nourish themselves, setting themselves free 
Living a life worthy of the divine within them 
A dream life of quality and grace in everyday reality

What’s That Your Signaling

Thinking about you
sending you love
remembering your strength,
your beauty, your creativity
wanting to remind you of your gifts
and the many times you offered them unconditionally

Think perhaps you don’t want to be bothered
acknowledging these things right now
preoccupied with dying
you’re unwilling to accept love or appreciation
signaling me with your eyes and hands
“sit, be silent, forget these things
forgive me, forget me, let me go” 
all very difficult things for me to do
I, who have been so loved and blessed by you

I wish I could relieve your pain
the physical, the emotional, the spiritual
I wish I could set your spirit free
help you ease into the comfort you seek
even as much as I would rather have you stay
I would help you leave, help you to go in peace

Such a dear heart, such a caring loving heart
open to family and strangers alike
you’ve always been there at everyone’s side
easing their pain and offering them love
wish now you could accept as much
and receive from me and all of us present
our gratitude, our love and our appreciation of you!

Saturday, May 24, 2014

Dream Builder Vision Workshop

When I taught school I had a BIG RUBBER RULER on my desk 
that read MIS-TAKES.  I’d say to my students, 
“When a ‘mis-take’ occurs ... everyone has the right and the opportunity 
to take it again.”  In my classroom the MIS-TAKES became opportunities 
to redo and renew learnings and discoveries. 

When the phone went “dead” in the middle of our FIRST
Dream Builder VISION Workshop this past Wednesday night, 
Dale and I lovingly embraced that Mis-Take. 

TODAY, we are contacting persons who were on the phone with us 
on Wednesday to thank them for their participation and their patience. 

TODAY, we are also purchasing a conference phone that will keep this 
from happening again. Because this is Memorial Day weekend, 
our phone will arrive by the end of next week.

IF you were one of these folks, please consider re-joining with us 
on WEDNESDAY,  June 4th at 8pm EDT when we do this again 
with more joy and without interruption.  You already have the phone 
and the access code.  If you need that information again or if you are 
new to this call, write to us and we will send you this information. 

Finally, in asking ourselves the bigger question, 
“What GOOD will come of this?”
Here is what Dale and I came up with:

1) “Doing this Dream Builder VISION workshop over again
on Wednesday June 4th, 8pm EDT, will give us the opportunity 
to do it better and it will be FUN”

2) “TRUSTING folks will show up for us 
as we present work we love doing is a good practice” 

3) “This makes a great story to share and enjoy with others”

4) “Perhaps folks on the call this past Wednesday night  
will invite others to join with us on June 4th and help us share
the good news of Dream Building”

Thank YOU, for your support, participation and patience.  

We hope to engage you Wednesday, June 4th, 8pm EDT 
in our SECOND phone Dream Builder VISION Workshop!  

Nancy & Dale Gallagher

Monday, May 19, 2014

What If

What if instead of complaining, comparing, putting ourselves down
We lifted our spirit and gave thanks for all we’ve got and all we’ve done
What if instead of counting ways to criticize ourselves and finding reasons 
for why we aren’t good enough, we’d consider appreciating and celebrating
who we are and who we are becoming?

What if instead of reciting limiting belief such as, 
“I’m too old, I'm not smart enough, I’m not educated, I’m afraid to fail,” 
We’d detoxify our spirit offering ourselves a dosage of courage, hope and love?

What if instead of hiding in darkness we could walk out into the light
feeling happy about things we’ve done or things we’ve tried to do 
especially when we know when doing them we’ve done our best 

What if instead of blame and shame we’d embrace a new belief
that we are always whole and worthy of love and that our best,
as imperfect as it may sometimes be, is actually good enough

What if we could set ourselves free of "if, when and maybe then"  
what decisions might we be making right now? 
What plan, what spontaneous action or interaction would we allow?

Dream another dream and take steps with confidence and pride
Realize your time is now and that you’ve only just begun
You are the “Godseed,” the same “Godseed’ that is in a blade of grass
caught between cracks of a concrete sidewalk 
That tiny blade of grass that is strongly pulling itself through to the sunlight

You can remain young or you can grow old and die  
You can choose action, interaction and make your dreams happen
You can honor yourself and love who you are
You can realize once and for all, you are the one you’ve been waiting for 
Your time and your day is now, awaken to yourself, awaken to YOU!

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Eyes Wide Open

She opens her eyes wide and seems surprised
to find herself still in her bed and at home
surrounded by her family in familiar surroundings
she wonders why God is not hearing her prayer

How could HE not know by now 
that she's been ready for months
Preparing herself and her family for her transition
talking everyone into celebration  
asking us to sing that song, "Don't worry be happy."

She made it to her 95th birthday
she's outlived her parents and her siblings
she's missed her beloved husband for over 20 years
and no one really knows how’s she’s managed 
to handle the pain of the death of her first born son

In her own words, "she's lived too long"
she's been ready for a long time to go home
to join others there she’s loved and missed 
she’s been eager to enter into eternal rest and peace

continuously thanking and blessing those present
she reminds us to be in the now and willing to forgive
to love and strengthen family ties
remembering the importance of togetherness 
and to help one another whenever possible

EYES WIDE OPEN, your mantra lives on in us:
“Forget the past and build a stronger today for yourself 
Know a better tomorrow is on the way for you and for your family 
It’s ok to remember me, but right now, let me go of me and set me free  
Feel joy for me as I journey home reconnecting with those I love 
Know I will watch, pray, bless and love you forever from above.”


Angels falling all around
white flakes gently touching the ground
each divinely shaped and free to roam
landing softly on tree tops and roof tops
on human heads, shoulders and on the ground

winter's here
get ready to receive
blessings from above
and feel the touch of God

Go now
walk outside
be healed!

As Only A Loving Mother / Daughter Would

She reaches up from her restraining bed
and pulls me closer to her as best she can
kissing me numerous times on my forehead
telling me how much she loves and cares for me

Kissing me and blessing me as she must have done when I was born
gently touching and holding my face in her hands
her eyes softly gazing into mine and I know
she’s preparing me for her departure
as only a mother could, as only a loving mother would

again and again, kissing and holding my face in her hands
telling me how grateful she is for my birth
preparing me now to go on living without her
smiling at me through her pain
inviting me to smile back at her and not to cry

It’s our last goodbye and we both know it
probably as beautiful as was our first hello
gentle, tender and physically expressive
both of us ever so grateful for this time called life
as only a mother and a child could, as only love would

I’m loving the feel of her hands on my face
her soft lips on my forehead
the air of her breath on my neck
finally both of us smiling, as she lays there dying
I tell her how grateful I am to her, for her love, her life and mine
as only a loving daughter could and a loving mother would

Beyond Best Friends

Beyond best friends
closer than family
your friendship means the world to me

your trust in me
your honesty
your insistence, persistence and loving reassurance
towards my welfare and my aspirations never cease to amaze me

Watching you grow
beyond your own expectations 
no longer surprises me 
as much as it might, at times, 
be surprising to you

For me, you are the promise and the realization
of a beautiful flower blooming in the garden of your life 

Your abandonment of fear and rejection
your appreciation for newness and discovery
your willingness to give and to receive
warms my heart and inspires me

When I think of the future
I laugh, I smile, I’m happy

I see us walking around the lake together
Celebrating graduations
Talking of co-creations
Gathering and enjoying our families and friends

I see us caring and helping one another
in any way we can
Growing deeper, closer and older
in this microcosm of cosmic wisdom
of everyday life and extraordinary possibilities

Wednesday, May 14, 2014


Amazing all that’s happening right now
from life to death mysteries
to everyday possibilities
and it goes on
it flows without effort
it flows where it’s called
it goes without saying
life has a heart of its own

I thought I understood so much
I thought I had figured most of it out
not so fast, I’m reminded, not so fast
another day, another challenge
another opportunity
to get creative and transcend
the issue, the situation at hand

a new friend is made
an old one has died
days and nights
filled with mediocrity
unbelievable pain
absolute beauty
and awesomeness

take it all in
don’t miss any of it
there’s just so much of it
and soon enough
it will all be gone

close your eyes,
sense, experience the gifts
this day brings
breathe in gratitude
recognize who you really are

You are the light source
the wholeness
the beauty of eternal time
the joy of divine love
the genius and the playful being
forever entertaining yourself and life

YOU, always hoping to give or to take in
a good and hopeful performance
coming through and coming home
life goes on with and without YOU
life is as life does

You are the dream
You are the dreamer
You are the dreaming
You are ALL that IS!

Tuesday, May 13, 2014


Allowing God
Allowing Spirit
Allowing Allness
Allowing Me
Allowing Life
Allowing Mystery
Allowing Newness
Allowing Possibility
Allowing Allowing

Moving forward today
Receiving what comes
Grateful for what is
Excited for unknown
Believing better, best
Making room for simplicity
Getting out of my way
Putting out intentions
Observing the unfolding

Calling in Trust
Letting in Love
Remaining Hopeful
Experiencing Joy
Remembering Ease
Letting go of Pain
Breathing in Peace
Breathing out Fear
Being ONE with the Universe

Tears fall
Laughter reigns
People are born
People die
Life’s a struggle
Life’s a joy
This moment matters
My heart is open
I am allowing
The next moment has begun!

Tuesday’s Prayer

Of what I knew there’s so much I did not tell you
not because I didn’t want to tell you
but simply because I did not think of telling you
I did not think of it as important or valid at the time

And I wonder if you too now also wish we both had said more to one another
More of what we knew, our everyday life discoveries, our concerns about our future
Perhaps, like me, you also did not know how much or how deeply to share 

Life flew by quickly and now years since your death
I still find I have so much I want to share with you
So much I wish you could share with me

How well I remember the many times we shared love
times we offered or received joy and appreciation  
times we engaged in life’s joys and celebrations
times we faced sickness, grief and pain together
times we laughed and cried sharing dreams and realities

Tonight in silent communication and in prayer
I‘m asking God to help me get through to you
to help us build a SOUL / HEART bridge 
whereby we could reconnect and communicate  

Tonight I am asking God to grant us a little bit of heaven 
asking HIM to bring us into close proximity 
lovingly gliding us through invisible physical boundaries  
and allowing us to visit and chat for a while

Remembering you tonight, I feel a peacefulness 
a belief that God has already granted me my prayer
and that HIS love is guiding us closer in Spirit time

“SPIRIT” to feel, experience and “see” one another 
“SPIRIT” to honor and to smile with the other
“SPIRIT“ for imaging messages and reconnecting 
“SPIRIT” for loving and giving thanks 

And I must say,
I’m experiencing a smile coming from deep within my heart 
I’m sensing you close to me, feeling your loving energy 
Eyes open or shut, I’m “seeing” our eyes meet 

I’m filled with awe and gratitude for God’s gift to us tonight
while realizing there’s no need for words in our sharing
All is perfect feeling and honoring the loving in our togetherness 

REST IN PEACE, my dear sweet friend
Until we meet again!

Tea with angels

At the moment I started to cry I heard the door bell chime
One angel moved towards me offering me his shoulder and his hankie 
while another walked into my home and proceeded to hug me saying,
hello, it’s ok, I love you”

Slowly, I regained hope and found myself in my kitchen
having tea with my two highly compassionate angels

This was definitely the universe’s way of reminding me  
I am not alone, there’s strength for me in others who love me 
when I felt weakest, most vulnerable and alone 
a few kind words and some hugs brought me back home 
to my heart and to my senses 

My spirit became lifted and I was able to release and let go 
of that overwhelming pain, fear and confusion holding me captive 
I was able to release, receive and allow in the love of others for me
and slowly I began engaging and responding in present reality 

Hugs, hot tea and comforting words
loving touches helping me to dry my tears  
friendly smiles reflecting back at me
“you’re valuable to us, we love you”

How very nice being rocked, feeling loved  
cradled in caring arms and pampered  
moving gently from darkness into sunlight  
thank you, my angels, for your kind love and loving
because of you I am comforted and I am healed

Monday, May 12, 2014

Today’s Gifts

This morning
I am aware
how blessed I am
how wonderful is my body
and how grateful I am to it

My eyes, my ears, my hands. my face, my torso
my ability to think, to feel and to create my life

how amazingly beautiful is everything
given to me freely
through one act of loving
by two people before me

through God’s grace and design
I exist and can participate daily
in this journey called LIFE

Today, awed and appreciative of all that is
I give thanks as I celebrate my sense of being
deeply honoring the rich Life Source that flows 
through me and everyone and everything around me

Today, I celebrate the earth, the universe, the cosmos
the beauty in the changing seasons

I celebrate that I can entertain the familiar and the new  
the present, the past and the future

I celebrate knowing how blessed and gifted I am

I celebrate how loved I can feel and can be

Today, I celebrate my every BREATH
my pulsating HEART and my LIFE ...

Cultures and Consciousness

Whatever the culture
wherever your home
systems imposed
systems desired
beliefs and morals
consciousness raising
relationships relating
trusting and praying
faith and endurance
people crying
people dancing
people at war
people at peace


cultures and consciousness
people uniting
recognizing connection
people imploring


can we hear us
are we listening
will we survive
will we thrive

Cultures and Consciousness

One Answer to Many Questions

What will you gain complaining right now?
Will it end your misery and your pain?
Will it make the hurt, the disappointment go away?
How will more worry grace your day?
Will it change what you’ve already decided you cannot bear?

What about your SOUL, your INNER STRENGTH, your BEAUTY?
Are you remembering them right now?
Will creating less energy and less possibilities prevent your moving forward?
Will this augment or lessen your inner Divine source and power?

Feel for a moment, stop your everyday thinking
Feel from within, invite yourself to acknowledge and to remember
You are a child of God, a child of this amazing Universe
YOU are the Universe and the Universe is in YOU

Your negative thoughts are emerging from a small part of you
Coming from your conditioning, they want to get your attention
Their familiarity feels good, you already know how to feel depressed and bad
They are not about bringing you joy, lessening your fears and emotional pain

Allowing them to take over, to continue their negative chatter
You may cease to be, they have nothing to lose
You may get sick and you may die
For just as you may have already thought, “they’ll bring the death of me”

Put a smile on your face, get happy, get healthy, become inspired
Wake up to that beautiful LIGHT BEING of BLISS that you are
Wake up and allow yourself to feel love and compassion
Remember there’s more to today than that old patterned thinking

Touch, feel the love and the loving in YOU and in others around you
Seek out experiences that emanate caring and loving
Co-Create with God events enhancing joy, bringing out your hope and love
Get rid of thinking pain, place issues and events not worthy of you far away
Move courageously forward, head towards the direction of your dreams
Breathe in the lure of becoming and grow as you will, grow as you must

You know what to do, you’ve been here before
Recognize and realize there’s a much bigger YOU
than that minuscule part that’s unhappy and complaining right now
Bring out past and present images and stories of joy and transcendence
Review desired outcomes and welcome in future dreams

Talking and Listening

Some people think they are very wise 
Sensitive to themselves and others
Honest in their communication
They tell you everything currently happening in their lives

They talk on the phone with you for hours 
Write you lengthy e-mails and share their deepest emotions 
they voice their life disappointments, lost relationships 
heir fantasies, hidden desires and wishes 

PLEASE, try not to INTERRUPT them 
Or get them to STOP TALKING just so
they can LISTEN TO YOU 

What makes you think, 
“It’s your turn or It must be your turn to talk?”
Isn’t listening what real good friends do?

REMEMBER who called first
Who sent the initial e-mail
Feel reassured, they wanted to talk with you 

You’ll be all right, just hold on tight
your past, your present, your future
won’t suffer or be denied

Wait until they are through talking
allow their one more issue and emotion   
Breathe and listen as good friends do  

Realize, after all, they are the ones 
who first wrote or called YOU 
Appreciate the fact that next time
it might be you who’s writing or calling them  ...

Sunday, May 11, 2014

The heart of the matter

Do what you mean
mean what you say
keep the heart of the matter
alive and strong
add awareness and trusting
mix in simple acts of kindness
allow love to flow
in the oneness of spirit
eternal flames burn
keeping us warm
as together
we journey
home ...

Inspirational Rain

Woke up this morning to the falling Spring rain
Wondering what this magnificent day will bring
Setting up how I will work and how I will give
Asking God’s blessings in this journey called life

I can today learn, understand and demonstrate
qualities in me harmonious with universal laws
I can today create and experience positive energy
that ultimately brings goodness for me and for others

Connecting, reflecting, correcting and respecting who I am
I welcome today’s goals, dreams and desires
while attentively listening to that small inspirational voice within
as I let go of past doubts and limiting beliefs

I get to choose today the feelings and the experiences
I will greet, meet and serve while actively deciding
which supportive people, places and actions I will attract
that will nourish and cherish me as I reach desired results

With an open mind and a compassionate heart I move forward today
With delight and appreciation I listen and watch as each falling rain  drop
adds its unique sound and substance to a water puddle forming outside
now enticing me to come out, get wet, step in, skip merely about and play